I wake up with a good headache, but nothing that a couple of ibuprofens can't solve. the fire spinners form bend pack up to go south in search of warmer weather. there is rumor on the beach that there are 80 mph wind gusts in San Franciscito, and that the wind is coming south, too. not the best weather report, and I am really glad that I packed San Franciso style with lots of layerable clothing.
We decide to stay put and take our chances, especially since it is very calm in the morning, and it turns out to be a nice warm day. Alex and I stay at the beach while Paige goes to Mulege in search off a mani pedi, unsucessfully as it turns out.
But she comes back with lentils and other veggies, and we finally get to have our own gourmet cocinera up a dinner of lentil stew and salad. Paige is pretty beat, but Alex and I are all awake now after lounging at the beach all day and we go to the new bar on the block that we have heard about when we had lunch at the beach restaurant Bertha's. It just opened last month, the owner is 27 and they have pool.
We order margeritas and start chatting to the local americans. One of them turns out to be the drummer of Van Halen, he is a very nice guy without any attitudes and he plays pool like a god despite him already staggering around the pool table, and we meet his wife, too, and a couple other expats. Turns out he had played at Bertha's earlier today. we had heard there was music but were too lazy to walk over there. He actually lives at the beach part time in a two story palapa. Proof again that you don't need much. A two story plywood palapa in Baja at the beach with a view of the Bahia? What more do you really need I ask you?
When we get back to the beach the water has calmed down so the sea looks like a lake and the reflection of the moon in the water is so beautiful that we stand by the beach and watch the moon and the incredible stars. No wonder they call this the Bahia de Concepcion. It does look like Paradise. I sleep like a baby that night.
Hallo Jenny,
hast du die Kommentare (dieser hier ist mein dritter) zu deinen Berichten schon gelesen?
Mit Google Earth verfolge ich deine Reise wie bei einer Schnitzeljagd, denn die Reihenfolge der Stops ist nicht unmittelbar ersichtlich. Bisher habe ich noch alle Punkte gefunden.
Ich wuensche weiterhin eine gute Reise. Alles Liebe.
merry christmas and happy new year!
hallo papa, ja, danke fuer deine kommentare! schoen, dass du unsere reise so miterlebst. wenn ich zu hause bin werde ich ein paar phots aufladen damit du siehst wie es su ueberall ausgesehen hat. bis bald! jennifer
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